Supply of medical radioisotopes - European Commission
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Supply Agency of the European Atomic Energy Community

Supply of medical radioisotopes

In line with its strategic objective, ESA leads the actions towards securing the supply of source materials for the radioisotopes production, thus actively contributing to the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications (SAMIRA).

The Agency undertakes measures to ensure security of supply of high-enriched uranium (HEU) and high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU), required to feed the production of medical radioisotopes and to fuel research reactors.  These strategic materials are currently not produced in the Community and must be imported from the US or the Russian Federation. 

In cooperation with the Member States concerned, ESA facilitates the supply of HEU to users who still need it until their conversion to HALEU, in line with international nuclear security and non-proliferation commitments. A dedicated Working Group on HALEU explores possible specific industrial and commercial options for building a European capacity for producing HALEU metal responding to the EU needs for the research reactors fuel and medial radioisotopes production

ESA also monitors the production chain of medical radioisotopes through the European Observatory on the Supply of Medical Radioisotopes.

Related links

Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications
Nuclear Medicine Europe - Industrial Association
European Association of Nuclear Medicine
International Atomic Energy Agency - Health
Nuclear Energy Agency – Medical radioisotopes
World Nuclear Association - Radioisotopes in Medicine