Other Euratom services - Europeiska kommissionen Gå direkt till innehållet
Supply Agency of the European Atomic Energy Community

Other Euratom services

The European Commission exercises the powers and responsibilities conferred by the Euratom Treaty upon the the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community. It is supported by several Commission's departments. 

For Euratom matters other than supply of nuclear materials and fuel and fuel, contact the respective departments of the European Commission 

Coordination of Euratom policies ENER Deputy Director General
Euratom legal affairs and international relations
Nuclear energy, waste and decommissioning
Nuclear safety, radiological protection, SAMIRA
ENER.D Nuclear energy, safety and ITER
Euratom safeguards and nuclear accountancy ENER.E Euratom safeguards
Euratom research and training programme Horizon Europe